Sabtu, 24 Juli 2021

Collection Management at The Library of SMAN 1 Pandaan


by : Dinda Ayunovianti

Libraries were established to fulfill information needs in the form of printed media accessible to everyone. The school library is a facility used to store information about education, science, and providing information services in the form library services to students at the school (Hendrianto, 2014). There are the reason why the library of SMAN 1 Pandaan was founded. The Library of SMAN 1 Pandaan is one of the libraries and facilities provided by SMAN 1 Pandaan for students and staff at SMAN 1 Pandaan. The library is located on Jl. DR. Soetomo, Sumber Gedang, Kec. Pandaan, Pasuruan. The library of SMAN 1 Pandaan was founded in 1990. The library functions to support learning activities and provide information needed by students and staff at SMAN 1 Pandaan. Therefore, the libraries of SMAN 1 Pandaan in managing the library collections must comply with the correct rules so that the library services can be quickly and accurately. However, the management of library collections at SMAN 1 Pandaan is still lacking. The lack of collection management in the library at SMAN 1 Pandaan is caused by several factors and has an adverse impact.

The library of SMAN 1 Pandaan has many collections, including books, DVDs, videos, magazines, encyclopedias, newspapers, and novels. The library also has a spacious and quite clean room. There are several facilities in the library such as tables and chairs for library visitors, computers, and air-conditioned rooms. In addition, the library has very friendly a librarian. However, in managing the collections in the library at SMAN 1 Pandaan, they are still lacking. In the library of SMAN 1 Pandaan still not following the correct rules in the management of library collections. Therefore, the management of library collections must be improve to comply with the established rules.

The lack of collection management in the library of SMAN 1 Pandaan has a negative effect or impact in the library. The first impact, The arrangement of library collections unstructured. Many library collections, especially the book collections, are not structured. So that many books are not placed according to the type or classification of the book. Second impact, many books are damaged and lost. The lack of collection management in the library causes many books to be lost and damaged. This is due to the unstructured arrangement of books and many students or library visitors who borrow books do not returned and do not

maintain the borrowed books properly. In addition, when they finish reading the book, the library visitors do not return the book to original place. The third impact, the lack of collection management causes a lack of information about the books needed by library visitors, so that the library collection is still lacking. So there are three effects or impacts caused by the lack of collection management in the library at SMAN 1 Pandaan.

We can conclude that the role of libraries is very supportive of school activities. library is very important and should exist in every school. Besides that, we can conclude that the collection management process in the library at SMAN 1 Pandaan is still lacking. The library of SMAN 1 Pandaan must improve collection management procedures to comply with the rules. The role of librarian is the most important thing to achieve a library collection management system in accordance with the rules. On the other hand, library of SMAN 1 Pandaan is a school library that has complete facilities and a clean library environment.





Hendrianto, D. E. (2014). Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Website Pada Sekolah Menegah Pertama Negeri 1 Donorojo Kabupaten Pacitan. 3(4), 57–64.



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